all-texture-tweak-adjust(arg0: texture-page-dir, arg1: float) => nonesource
anim-test-anim-list-handler(arg0: int, arg1: list-control) => symbolsource
anim-test-edit-seq-insert-item(arg0: anim-test-seq-item, arg1: anim-test-sequence) => nonesource
anim-test-edit-sequence-list-handler(arg0: int, arg1: list-control) => symbolsource
anim-test-obj-init(arg0: anim-test-obj, arg1: list-control) => nonesource
anim-test-obj-item-valid?(arg0: anim-test-obj, arg1: anim-test-seq-item) => symbolsource
anim-test-obj-list-handler(arg0: int, arg1: list-control) => symbolsource
anim-test-obj-remove-invalid(arg0: anim-test-obj) => symbolsource
anim-test-seq-item-copy!(arg0: anim-test-seq-item, arg1: anim-test-seq-item) => anim-test-sequencesource
anim-test-seq-mark-as-edited(arg0: anim-test-sequence) => nonesource
anim-test-sequence-init(arg0: anim-test-sequence, arg1: anim-test-obj) => nonesource
anim-test-sequence-list-handler(arg0: int, arg1: list-control) => symbolsource
anim-tester-add-newobj(arg0: anim-tester, arg1: string, arg2: art-group) => objectsource
anim-tester-add-object(arg0: string) => nonesource
anim-tester-add-sequence(arg0: string) => nonesource
anim-tester-adjust-frame(arg0: float, arg1: float) => floatsource
anim-tester-disp-frame-num(arg0: string, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: font-context) => pointersource
anim-tester-interface() => nonesource
anim-tester-load-object-seqs(arg0: anim-tester, arg1: string) => symbolsource
anim-tester-num-print(arg0: basic, arg1: float) => nonesource
anim-tester-pick-item-setup(arg0: anim-test-seq-item, arg1: anim-test-sequence) => nonesource
anim-tester-post() => nonesource
anim-tester-real-post() => nonesource
anim-tester-reset() => nonesource
anim-tester-save-all-objects(arg0: anim-tester) => symbolsource
anim-tester-set-name(arg0: string) => objectsource
anim-tester-standard-event-handler(arg0: process, arg1: int, arg2: symbol, arg3: event-message-block) => objectsource
anim-tester-start() => symbolsource
anim-tester-stop() => symbolsource
anim-tester-string-get-frame!!(arg0: list-field, arg1: string) => symbolsource
anim-tester-update-anim-info(arg0: anim-test-seq-item) => floatsource
anim-tester-x-init-by-other() => nonesource
anim-tester-x-interface() => intsource
anim-tester-x-reset() => intsource
atx-add-common-group() => symbolsource
atx-add-group(name: string, level-name: symbol) => intsource
atx-add-level-group() => symbolsource
atx-append-group(append-to: string, name: string, level-name: symbol) => objectsource
atx-list-append(lst: atx-list, item: atx-item) => atx-itemsource
append an item to a list. returns the added item.
atx-list-art-group-func(item: atx-item-art-group) => objectsource
atx-list-get-by-index(lst: atx-list, idx: int) => atx-itemsource
get an item by its index.
atx-list-get-by-name(lst: atx-list, name: string) => atx-itemsource
get an item by its index.
atx-list-init!(lst: atx-list) => atx-listsource
initialize an atx-list
atx-list-interface(lst: atx-list, title: string, warning: string, sel-obj: basic) => intsource
run interface and draw an atx-list
atx-list-joint-anim-func(item: atx-item) => objectsource
atx-list-joint-geo-func(item: atx-item) => objectsource
atx-list-mesh-geo-func(item: atx-item) => objectsource
atx-list-remove(lst: atx-list, item: atx-item) => intsource
remove an item from a list. removes all instances of that item. but it's weird if you have multiple...
atx-list-remove-by-object(lst: atx-list, obj: basic) => intsource
remove all items with a specific object from a list.
atx-list-size(lst: atx-list) => intsource
return size of an atx-list
bike-cam-limit(arg0: float) => floatsource
build-continue-menu(arg0: debug-menu, arg1: game-info) => debug-menu-contextsource
build-entity-list() => pairsource
Fill the entity pick menu
build-instance-list(arg0: object) => nonesource
build-particles-list() => pairsource
build-shader-list() => nonesource
cam-collision-record-draw() => nonesource
cam-collision-record-save(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: int, arg3: symbol, arg4: camera-slave) => nonesource
cam-collision-record-step(arg0: int) => nonesource
cam-debug-add-coll-tri(arg0: cam-debug-tri, arg1: vector, arg2: cam-debug-tri) => nonesource
cam-debug-add-los-tri(arg0: inline-array, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => nonesource
cam-debug-draw-tris() => symbolsource
cam-debug-reset-coll-tri() => nonesource
cam-index-options->string(arg0: cam-index-options, arg1: object) => stringsource
cam-layout-do-action(arg0: clm-item-action) => symbolsource
cam-layout-do-menu(arg0: clm) => nonesource
cam-layout-entity-info(arg0: entity-actor) => basicsource
cam-layout-entity-volume-info() => symbolsource
cam-layout-entity-volume-info-create(arg0: entity-camera, arg1: symbol) => symbolsource
cam-layout-function-call(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: int, arg3: basic) => symbolsource
cam-layout-init() => nonesource
cam-layout-intersect-dist(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => floatsource
cam-layout-print(arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: string) => pointersource
cam-layout-restart() => nonesource
cam-layout-save-align(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-cam-rot(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-cam-trans(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-campoints-flags(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-campointsoffset(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-flags(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-focalpull(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-focalpull-flags(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-fov(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-interesting(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-interptime(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-introsplineexitval(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-introsplinetime(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-maxAngle(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-pivot(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-spline-follow-dist-offset(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-splineoffset(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-stringCliffHeight(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-stringMaxHeight(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-stringMaxLength(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-stringMinHeight(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-stringMinLength(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-save-tiltAdjust(arg0: symbol, arg1: string, arg2: entity-actor) => stringsource
cam-layout-start() => nonesource
cam-layout-stop() => symbolsource
cam-line-dma() => pointersource
cam-slave-options->string(arg0: cam-slave-options, arg1: object) => stringsource
camera-bounding-box-draw(arg0: bounding-box, arg1: basic, arg2: rgba) => nonesource
camera-fov-draw(arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: vector, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: vector4w) => symbolsource
camera-fov-frame(arg0: matrix, arg1: vector, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: vector4w) => nonesource
camera-line(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector4w) => nonesource
camera-line-draw(arg0: vector, arg1: vector) => symbolsource
camera-line-rel(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector4w) => nonesource
camera-line-rel-len(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: float, arg3: vector4w) => nonesource
camera-line-setup(arg0: vector4w) => nonesource
camera-line2d(arg0: vector4w, arg1: vector4w) => pointersource
camera-master-debug(arg0: camera-master) => nonesource
camera-plot-float-func(arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: function, arg5: vector4w) => nonesource
camera-slave-debug(arg0: camera-slave) => nonesource
camera-sphere(arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: vector) => nonesource
clean-art-groups() => symbolsource
clmf-button-test() => symbolsource
clmf-cam-deg(arg0: degrees, arg1: symbol) => symbolsource
clmf-cam-flag(arg0: string, arg1: uint, arg2: uint) => symbolsource
clmf-cam-flag-toggle(arg0: int, arg1: int) => symbolsource
clmf-cam-float(arg0: float, arg1: symbol) => symbolsource
clmf-cam-float-adjust(arg0: symbol, arg1: pointer) => symbolsource
clmf-cam-fov(arg0: degrees, arg1: symbol) => symbolsource
clmf-cam-interp-time(arg0: float, arg1: symbol) => symbolsource
clmf-cam-intro-time(arg0: float, arg1: symbol) => symbolsource
clmf-cam-meters(arg0: meters, arg1: symbol) => symbolsource
clmf-cam-string(arg0: string, arg1: symbol) => symbolsource
clmf-implement() => symbolsource
clmf-input(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: int) => vectorsource
clmf-look-through() => symbolsource
clmf-next-entity(arg0: int) => symbolsource
clmf-next-vol-dpad() => symbolsource
clmf-next-volume(arg0: int) => symbolsource
clmf-pos-rot(arg0: symbol, arg1: symbol) => symbolsource
clmf-save-all(arg0: symbol) => symbolsource
clmf-save-one(arg0: symbol) => symbolsource
clmf-save-single(arg0: entity-camera, arg1: symbol, arg2: symbol) => file-streamsource
clmf-to-edit() => symbolsource
clmf-to-edit-cam() => symbolsource
clmf-to-focalpull-attr() => symbolsource
clmf-to-index-attr() => symbolsource
clmf-to-intro-attr() => symbolsource
clmf-to-select() => symbolsource
clmf-to-spline-attr() => symbolsource
clmf-to-vol-attr() => symbolsource
debug-create-cam-restore() => nonesource
debug-euler(arg0: cam-dbg-scratch) => objectsource
debug-menu-append-item(menu: debug-menu, item: debug-menu-node) => debug-menu-nodesource
Add an entry to the debug menu.
debug-menu-context-activate-selection(arg0: debug-menu-context) => debug-menu-contextsource
Press on the selected thing. Note that we named this enum press, not activate.
debug-menu-context-default-selection(ctxt: debug-menu-context, keep-current: symbol) => debug-menu-contextsource
Set the menu to a default selection.
If keep-current-selection is set to #t, this will only change the selection if nothing is selected yet.
debug-menu-context-grab-joypad(ctxt: debug-menu-context, callback-arg: basic, callback-func: function) => symbolsource
Set up this context to be controlled from a joypad. If we are already, return #f, otherwise return #t
debug-menu-context-open-submenu(arg0: debug-menu-context, arg1: debug-menu) => basicsource
debug-menu-context-release-joypad(ctxt: debug-menu-context) => symbolsource
Remove joypad control from this context
debug-menu-context-render(arg0: debug-menu-context) => debug-menu-contextsource
Render all menus
debug-menu-context-select-new-item(arg0: debug-menu-context, arg1: int) => debug-menu-contextsource
debug-menu-context-select-next-or-prev-item(arg0: debug-menu-context, arg1: int) => debug-menu-contextsource
Go up or down 1 in the currently open thing. The sign of arg1 determines direction
debug-menu-context-send-msg(arg0: debug-menu-context, arg1: debug-menu-msg, arg2: debug-menu-dest) => debug-menu-contextsource
Send the arg1 message to the given place.
debug-menu-context-set-root-menu(context: debug-menu-context, menu: debug-menu) => debug-menu-contextsource
Set the root menu and reset everything.
debug-menu-find-from-template(arg0: debug-menu-context, arg1: pair) => debug-menusource
Find a debug-menu that was added by a template. This could be used to modify it after,
for example to add in options that might not be known at compile-time.
debug-menu-func-decode(arg0: object) => functionsource
Get a function. The input can be a symbol or a function. Otherwise it will give you the nothing function.
debug-menu-item-flag-msg(arg0: debug-menu-item-flag, arg1: debug-menu-msg) => debug-menu-item-flagsource
debug-menu-item-flag-render(item: debug-menu-item-flag, x: int, y: int, submenus: int, arg4: symbol) => debug-menu-item-flagsource
Draw the text for a flag.
debug-menu-item-function-msg(arg0: debug-menu-item-function, arg1: debug-menu-msg) => debug-menu-item-functionsource
debug-menu-item-function-render(item: debug-menu-item-function, x: int, y: int, submenus: int, selected: symbol) => debug-menu-item-functionsource
Draw the text for a function entry. Also updates the timer for the highlight.
debug-menu-item-get-max-width(arg0: debug-menu-item, arg1: debug-menu) => intsource
Determine the width, in pixels
debug-menu-item-render(item: debug-menu-item, x: int, y: int, submenus: int, selected: symbol) => debug-menu-itemsource
Draw an item. This feels like it should have been a method...
debug-menu-item-send-msg(arg0: debug-menu-item, arg1: debug-menu-msg) => debug-menu-itemsource
Call the appropriate message handler for the given item.
debug-menu-item-submenu-msg(arg0: debug-menu-item-submenu, arg1: debug-menu-msg) => debug-menu-item-submenusource
debug-menu-item-submenu-render(item: debug-menu-item-submenu, x: int, y: int, submenus: int, selected: symbol) => debug-menu-item-submenusource
Draw the text for a submenu. Like Render...
The submenus parameter is the number of open menus below the one containing this item
debug-menu-item-var-joypad-handler(arg0: debug-menu-item-var) => debug-menu-item-varsource
Handle joypad inputs for a variable
debug-menu-item-var-make-float(item: debug-menu-item-var, callback: function, inc: float, has-range: symbol, range-min: float, range-max: float, precision: int) => debug-menu-item-varsource
Set up the given item as a float variable
debug-menu-item-var-make-int(item: debug-menu-item-var, callback: function, inc: int, has-range: symbol, range-min: int, range-max: int, hex: symbol) => debug-menu-item-varsource
Set up the given item as an integer variable
debug-menu-item-var-msg(arg0: debug-menu-item-var, arg1: debug-menu-msg) => debug-menu-item-varsource
debug-menu-item-var-render(item: debug-menu-item-var, x: int, y: int, submenus: int, selected: symbol) => debug-menu-item-varsource
Draw the text for a variable
debug-menu-item-var-update-display-str(arg0: debug-menu-item-var) => debug-menu-item-varsource
Update display-str to the current value of the variable
debug-menu-make-camera-mode-menu(arg0: debug-menu, arg1: debug-menu) => nonesource
debug-menu-make-from-template(arg0: debug-menu-context, arg1: pair) => debug-menu-nodesource
Make a debug menu from static layout data. The keys are:
- menu : make a new submenu
- main-menu : make the root menu
- flag - flag entry
- function - function entry
- var, int-var, int-var-gat1, hex-var, float-var, flat-fixed-var
debug-menu-make-load-want-menu(ctx: debug-menu-context, lev-idx: int) => debug-menu-item-submenusource
debug-menu-make-task-need-hint-menu(arg0: debug-menu, arg1: debug-menu-context) => nonesource
debug-menu-make-task-need-introduction-menu(arg0: debug-menu, arg1: debug-menu-context) => nonesource
debug-menu-make-task-need-reminder-a-menu(arg0: debug-menu, arg1: debug-menu-context) => nonesource
debug-menu-make-task-need-reminder-menu(arg0: debug-menu, arg1: debug-menu-context) => nonesource
debug-menu-make-task-need-resolution-menu(arg0: debug-menu, arg1: debug-menu-context) => nonesource
debug-menu-make-task-need-reward-speech-menu(arg0: debug-menu, arg1: debug-menu-context) => nonesource
debug-menu-make-task-unknown-menu(arg0: debug-menu, arg1: debug-menu-context) => nonesource
debug-menu-node<?(arg0: debug-menu-node, arg1: debug-menu-node) => symbolsource
debug-menu-rebuild(menu: debug-menu) => debug-menusource
Set the width and height of the background. If needed, completely reset the menu.
debug-menu-remove-all-items(arg0: debug-menu) => debug-menusource
Remove all the items from a menu
debug-menu-render(menu: debug-menu, x-pos: int, y-pos: int, selected: debug-menu-node, submenus: int) => debug-menusource
Render a menu.
debug-menu-send-msg(arg0: debug-menu, arg1: debug-menu-msg, arg2: symbol) => debug-menusource
Send to all items in menu. Arg2 picks if we are recursive or not.
debug-menus-active(arg0: debug-menu-context) => debug-menu-contextsource
Run the menu context
debug-menus-default-joypad-func(arg0: debug-menu-context) => debug-menu-contextsource
Control the menu from the joystick
debug-set-camera-pos-rot!(arg0: vector, arg1: matrix) => vectorsource
disasm-dma-list(data: dma-packet, mode: symbol, verbose: symbol, stream: symbol, expected-size: int) => symbolsource
Disassemble a dma list, starting from the given packet.
disasm-dma-tag(arg0: dma-tag, arg1: symbol) => nonesource
disasm-vif-details(stream: symbol, data: pointer, kind: vif-cmd, count: int) => symbolsource
disasm-vif-tag(data: pointer, words: int, stream: symbol, details: symbol) => intsource
Print out a vif code and the immediate data.
Will print stuff until the number of words has been reached.
Returns how many bytes we overshot by.