effect-control: basicsource
type: type
process: process-drawable
flags: uint32
last-frame-group: art-joint-anim
last-frame-num: float
channel-offset: int32
res: res-lump
name: pointer
param: uint32
effect-control-method-9(obj: effect-control) => nonesource
effect-control-method-10(obj: effect-control, arg0: symbol, arg1: float, arg2: int) => objectsource
effect-control-method-11(obj: effect-control, arg0: symbol, arg1: float, arg2: int, arg3: basic, arg4: pat-surface) => nonesource
effect-control-method-12(obj: effect-control, arg0: symbol, arg1: float, arg2: int, arg3: basic, arg4: sound-name) => intsource
set-channel-offset!(obj: effect-control, arg0: int) => nonesource
effect-control-method-14(obj: effect-control, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float) => nonesource
effect-param->sound-spec(arg0: sound-spec, arg1: pointer, arg2: int) => sound-specsource
sound-name-with-material(arg0: symbol, arg1: pat-surface, arg2: string) => sound-namesource
target-land-effect() => nonesource
*debug-effect-control*: symbolsource
fact-bank: basicsource
type: type
eco-level-max: float
eco-single-inc: float
eco-full-inc: float
eco-single-timeout: seconds
eco-full-timeout: seconds
dummy: seconds
health-max-default: float
health-single-inc: float
eco-pill-max-default: float
health-small-inc: float
buzzer-max-default: float
buzzer-single-inc: float
suck-bounce-dist: meters
suck-suck-dist: meters
default-pill-inc: float
fact-info: basicsource
type: type
process: process-drawable
pickup-type: pickup-type
pickup-amount: float
pickup-spawn-amount: float
options: fact-options
fade-time: time-frame
drop-pickup(obj: fact-info, arg0: symbol, arg1: process-tree, arg2: fact-info, arg3: int) => pointersource
reset!(obj: fact-info-target, arg0: symbol) => nonesource
Reset the facts for a given thing
pickup-collectable!(obj: fact-info, arg0: pickup-type, arg1: float, arg2: handle) => floatsource
fact-info-enemy: fact-infosource
type: type
process: process-drawable
pickup-type: pickup-type
pickup-amount: float
pickup-spawn-amount: float
options: fact-options
fade-time: time-frame
speed: float
idle-distance: meters
notice-top: meters
notice-bottom: meters
cam-horz: meters
cam-vert: meters
cam-notice-dist: meters
fact-info-target: fact-infosource
type: type
process: process-drawable
pickup-type: pickup-type
pickup-amount: float
pickup-spawn-amount: float
options: fact-options
fade-time: time-frame
eco-type: pickup-type
eco-level: float
eco-pickup-time: time-frame
eco-timeout: seconds
health: float
health-max: float
buzzer: float
buzzer-max: float
eco-pill: float
eco-pill-max: float
health-pickup-time: time-frame
eco-source: handle
eco-source-time: time-frame
money-pickup-time: time-frame
buzzer-pickup-time: time-frame
fuel-cell-pickup-time: time-frame
eco-pill-pickup-time: time-frame
pickup-type->string(arg0: pickup-type) => stringsource
attack-info: structuresource
trans: vector
vector: vector
intersection: vector
attacker: handle
invinc-time: time-frame
mask: attack-mask
mode: symbol
shove-back: meters
shove-up: meters
speed: meters
dist: meters
control: float
angle: symbol
rotate-to: degrees
prev-state: state
combine!(obj: attack-info, arg0: attack-info) => nonesource
process-drawable: processsource
type: type
name: basic
mask: process-mask
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: basic
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: thread
entity: entity-actor
state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
next-state: state
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
root: trsqv
node-list: cspace-array
draw: draw-control
skel: joint-control
nav: nav-control
align: align-control
path: path-control
vol: vol-control
fact: fact-info
link: actor-link-info
part: sparticle-launch-control
water: water-control
sound: ambient-sound
state-flags: state-flags
state-time: time-frame
initialize-skeleton(obj: process-drawable, arg0: skeleton-group, arg1: pair) => nonesource
initialize-skeleton-by-name(obj: process-drawable, arg0: string, arg1: object) => _type_source
apply-alignment(obj: process-drawable, arg0: align-opts, arg1: transformq, arg2: vector) => collide-shapesource
do-joint-math!(obj: process-drawable) => nonesource
cleanup-for-death(obj: process-drawable) => nonesource
evaluate-joint-control(obj: process-drawable) => nonesource
process-drawable-art-error: TODO
process-drawable-idle: TODO
process-drawable-reserved: process-drawablesource
type: type
name: basic
mask: process-mask
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: basic
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: thread
entity: entity-actor
state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
next-state: state
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
root: trsqv
node-list: cspace-array
draw: draw-control
skel: joint-control
nav: nav-control
align: align-control
path: path-control
vol: vol-control
fact: fact-info
link: actor-link-info
part: sparticle-launch-control
water: water-control
sound: ambient-sound
state-flags: state-flags
state-time: time-frame
process-drawable-reserved-method-20: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-21: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-22: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-23: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-24: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-25: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-26: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-27: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-28: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-29: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-30: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-31: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-32: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-33: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-34: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-35: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-36: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-37: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-38: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-39: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-40: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-41: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-42: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-43: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-44: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-45: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-46: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-47: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-48: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-49: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-50: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-51: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-52: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-53: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-54: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-55: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-56: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-57: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-58: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-59: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-60: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-61: unknown
process-drawable-reserved-method-62: unknown
actor-id: uint32source
continue-point: basicsource
type: type
name: string
level: symbol
flags: continue-flags
trans: vector
quat: quaternion
camera-trans: vector
camera-rot: float
load-commands: pair
vis-nick: symbol
lev0: symbol
disp0: symbol
lev1: symbol
disp1: symbol
debug-draw!(obj: continue-point) => nonesource
Draw a continue point.
game-bank: basicsource
type: type
life-max-default: float
life-start-default: float
life-single-inc: float
money-task-inc: float
money-oracle-inc: float
game-info: basicsource
type: type
mode: symbol
save-name: basic
life: float
life-max: float
money: float
money-total: float
money-per-level: uint8
deaths-per-level: uint8
buzzer-total: float
fuel: float
perm-list: entity-perm-array
task-perm-list: entity-perm-array
current-continue: continue-point
text-ids-seen: bit-array
level-opened: uint8
hint-control: array
task-hint-control: array
total-deaths: int32
continue-deaths: int32
fuel-cell-deaths: int32
game-start-time: time-frame
continue-time: time-frame
death-time: time-frame
hit-time: time-frame
fuel-cell-pickup-time: time-frame
fuel-cell-time: array
enter-level-time: array
in-level-time: array
blackout-time: time-frame
letterbox-time: time-frame
hint-play-time: time-frame
display-text-time: time-frame
display-text-handle: handle
death-movie-tick: int32
want-auto-save: symbol
auto-save-proc: handle
auto-save-status: mc-status-code
auto-save-card: int32
auto-save-which: int32
pov-camera-handle: handle
other-camera-handle: handle
death-pos: vector-array
dummy: basic
auto-save-count: int32
initialize!(obj: game-info, cause: symbol, save-to-load: game-save, continue-point-override: string) => _type_source
Initialize the game-info.
The cause can be 'dead if you die, or 'game to reset everything.
If save-to-load is not #f will load data from that.
If continue-point-override is not #f, will use that.
adjust(obj: game-info, item: symbol, amount: float, source: handle) => floatsource
Adjust the number of items by amount.
task-complete?(obj: game-info, arg0: game-task) => symbolsource
Likely closed, or in the process of closing
lookup-entity-perm-by-aid(obj: game-info, aid: actor-id) => entity-permsource
get-entity-task-perm(obj: game-info, arg0: game-task) => entity-permsource
Get the permanent storage for a game-task
copy-perms-from-level!(obj: game-info, lev: level) => nonesource
Iterate through entities in the level and copy their perms into game-info
copy-perms-to-level!(obj: game-info, lev: level) => nonesource
Does the opposite of the previous, copies perms from game-info to level entities
debug-print(obj: game-info, arg0: symbol) => _type_source
get-or-create-continue!(obj: game-info) => continue-pointsource
Attempt to get a continue point, if it doesn't exist set the
default-continue to a location in front of the camera.
get-continue-by-name(obj: game-info, arg0: string) => continue-pointsource
Look up a continue point by string name
set-continue!(obj: game-info, arg0: basic) => continue-pointsource
Set the current continue point to to arg0.
arg0 can be:
'() or #f, in which case it does nothing.
a string, in which case it looks up by name
a continue point.
If it fails to get a continue-point, sets up a temporary continue point
in the default-continue
If the continue is changed, resets the death and time counters
buzzer-count(obj: game-info, arg0: game-task) => intsource
How many buzzers do we have for this task?
seen-text?(obj: game-info, arg0: text-id) => symbolsource
Have we already displayed this text?
This is used to display level names on only the first enter.
It seems like hints could also display text on screen at one point in time.
mark-text-as-seen(obj: game-info, arg0: text-id) => nonesource
Mark the game text as seen. This only works if the text id < 4096, and ignores otherwise
got-buzzer?(obj: game-info, arg0: game-task, arg1: int) => symbolsource
Do we have the arg1-th buzzer for the given buzzer task?
save-game!(obj: game-info, arg0: game-save, arg1: string) => nonesource
Update the game-save to have the info from the current game state
load-game!(obj: game-info, save: game-save) => game-savesource
Copy save data from a game-save to a game-info
clear-text-seen!(obj: game-info, arg0: text-id) => nonesource
Mark text as unseen. MUST be a valid text id
get-death-count(obj: game-info, arg0: symbol) => intsource
get-health-percent-lost(obj: game-info, arg0: symbol) => floatsource
level-buffer-state: structuresource
load-state: basicsource
type: type
want: level-buffer-state
vis-nick: symbol
command-list: pair
object-name: symbol
object-status: basic
reset!(obj: load-state) => _type_source
update!(obj: load-state) => intsource
Updates load requests.
want-levels(obj: load-state, arg0: symbol, arg1: symbol) => intsource
want-display-level(obj: load-state, arg0: symbol, arg1: symbol) => intsource
want-vis(obj: load-state, arg0: symbol) => intsource
want-force-vis(obj: load-state, arg0: symbol, arg1: symbol) => intsource
execute-command(obj: load-state, arg0: pair) => nonesource
execute-commands-up-to(obj: load-state, arg0: float) => intsource
backup-load-state-and-set-cmds(obj: load-state, arg0: pair) => intsource
restore-load-state-and-cleanup(obj: load-state) => intsource
restore-load-state(obj: load-state) => intsource
set-force-inside!(obj: load-state, arg0: symbol, arg1: symbol) => nonesource
game-task->string(arg0: game-task) => stringsource
trsq->continue-point(arg0: trsq) => nonesource
auto-save: processsource
type: type
name: basic
mask: process-mask
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: basic
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: thread
entity: entity-actor
state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
next-state: state
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
card: int32
slot: int32
which: int32
buffer: kheap
mode: basic
result: mc-status-code
save: game-save
info: mc-slot-info
notify: handle
state-time: time-frame
part: sparticle-launch-control
get-heap: unknown
get-card: unknown
format-card: unknown
create-file: unknown
save: unknown
restore: unknown
error: unknown
done: unknown
unformat-card: unknown
game-save: basicsource
type: type
version: int32
allocated-length: int32
length: int32
info-int32: int32
info-int8: int8
level-index: int32
fuel-cell-count: float
money-count: float
buzzer-count: float
completion-percentage: float
minute: uint8
hour: uint8
week: uint8
day: uint8
month: uint8
year: uint8
new-game: int32
tag: game-save-tag
save-to-file(obj: game-save, arg0: string) => _type_source
Write a game save to a file for debugging
load-from-file!(obj: game-save, filename: string) => _type_source
Load a game save from a file for debugging
debug-print(obj: game-save, detail: symbol) => _type_source
Print a save to #t
game-save-tag: structuresource
user-object: object
user-uint64: uint64
user-float0: float
user-float: float
user-int32: int32
user-uint32: uint32
user-int16: int16
user-uint16: uint16
user-int8: int8
user-int80: int8
user-int81: int8
user-uint8: uint8
elt-count: int32
elt-size: uint16
elt-type: game-save-elt
auto-save-check() => nonesource
auto-save-command(arg0: symbol, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: process-tree) => nonesource
auto-save-init-by-other(desired-mode: symbol, notify-proc: process-tree, card-idx: int, file-idx: int) => nonesource
auto-save-post() => nonesource
game-save-elt->string(arg0: game-save-elt) => stringsource
progress-level-index->string(arg0: int) => stringsource
Convert an index for a level in the progress menu (not actual data levels)
to a string (translated).
SAVE_VERSION: unknownsource
frame-stats: structuresource
screen-filter: basicsource
*ambient-sound-class*: symbolsource
*artist-all-visible*: symbolsource
*artist-error-spheres*: symbolsource
*artist-fix-frustum*: symbolsource
*artist-fix-visible*: symbolsource
*artist-flip-visible*: symbolsource
*artist-use-menu-subdiv*: symbolsource
*camera-no-mip-correction*: symbolsource
*debug-hook*: functionsource
*debug-pause*: symbolsource
*display-actor-anim*: stringsource
*display-actor-graph*: symbolsource
*display-actor-marks*: symbolsource
*display-actor-vis*: symbolsource
*display-art-control*: symbolsource
*display-cam-coll-marks*: symbolsource
*display-cam-los-debug*: symbolsource
*display-cam-los-info*: symbolsource
*display-cam-los-marks*: symbolsource
*display-cam-master-marks*: symbolsource
*display-cam-other*: symbolsource
*display-camera-info*: symbolsource
*display-camera-marks*: symbolsource
*display-camera-old-stats*: symbolsource
*display-collide-cache*: symbolsource
*display-collision-marks*: symbolsource
*display-deci-count*: symbolsource
*display-entity-errors*: symbolsource
*display-file-info*: symbolsource
*display-geo-marks*: symbolsource
*display-ground-stats*: symbolsource
*display-instance-info*: symbolsource
*display-iop-info*: symbolsource
*display-level-border*: symbolsource
*display-level-spheres*: symbolsource
*display-lights*: symbolsource
*display-load-boundaries*: symbolsource
*display-memcard-info*: symbolsource
*display-nav-marks*: symbolsource
*display-path-marks*: symbolsource
*display-perf-stats*: symbolsource
*display-process-anim*: pointersource
*display-profile*: symbolsource
*display-quad-stats*: symbolsource
*display-render-collision*: symbolsource
*display-sidekick-stats*: symbolsource
*display-split-box-info*: symbolsource
*display-split-boxes*: symbolsource
*display-sprite-info*: symbolsource
*display-target-marks*: symbolsource
*display-texture-download*: symbolsource
*display-tri-stats*: symbolsource
*display-vol-marks*: symbolsource
*display-water-marks*: symbolsource
*display-xyz-axes*: symbolsource
*dma-timeout-hook*: functionsource
*draw-hook*: functionsource
*menu-hook*: functionsource
*progress-hook*: functionsource
*slow-frame-rate*: symbolsource
*stats-bsp*: symbolsource
*stats-buffer*: symbolsource
*stats-collide*: symbolsource
*stats-dma-test*: symbolsource
*stats-memory-short*: symbolsource
*stats-memory*: symbolsource
*stats-poly*: symbolsource
*stats-target*: symbolsource
*sync-dma*: symbolsource
*teleport*: symbolsource
*time-of-day-effects*: symbolsource
*time-of-day-fast*: symbolsource
*weather-off*: symbolsource
display-loop() => intsource
main-cheats() => intsource
Handle cheat codes and timeout
paused?() => symbolsource
Are we paused? True if master-mode = pause, progress is not hidden, or master-mode = menu
scf-get-territory() => intsource
this overrides the kernel version which usually has a hardcoded value.
set-blackout-frames(arg0: time-frame) => nonesource
Set the blackout frame counter. If arg0 is 0, disables blackout immediately.
Otherwise, this can only be used to increase the blackout period.
set-letterbox-frames(arg0: time-frame) => nonesource
Set the letterbox frame counter for arg0 frames in the future
set-master-mode(new-mode: symbol) => nonesource
Update pause masks for the given mode, and set master-mode
toggle-pause() => intsource
Do pause/menu/progress transitions
*cheat-temp*: pointersource
*first-boot*: symbolsource
*last-master-mode*: symbolsource
*master-exit*: symbolsource
*progress-cheat*: symbolsource
cloud-track(arg0: process-tree, arg1: process-tree, arg2: function, arg3: time-frame, arg4: time-frame, arg5: time-frame) => nonesource
eco-blue-glow(origin: vector) => nonesource
target-powerup-effect(arg0: symbol) => nonesource
target-powerup-process() => nonesource
projectile: process-drawablesource
type: type
name: basic
mask: process-mask
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: basic
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: thread
entity: entity-actor
state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
next-state: state
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
root: trsqv
node-list: cspace-array
draw: draw-control
skel: joint-control
nav: nav-control
align: align-control
path: path-control
vol: vol-control
fact: fact-info
link: actor-link-info
part: sparticle-launch-control
water: water-control
sound: ambient-sound
state-flags: state-flags
state-time: time-frame
root-override: collide-shape-moving
base-trans: vector
target: vector
target-base: vector
parent-base: vector
parent-quat: vector
base-vector: vector
timeout: time-frame
options: uint64
last-target: handle
notify-handle: handle
max-speed: float
max-turn: float
old-dist: float
old-dist-count: int32
hits: int32
max-hits: int32
tween: float
attack-mode: symbol
update-velocity: function
counter: int32
target-count: int32
sound-id: sound-id
projectile-die: unknown
projectile-dissipate: unknown
projectile-impact: unknown
projectile-moving: unknown
projectile-method-24(obj: projectile) => nonesource
projectile-method-25(obj: projectile) => nonesource
projectile-method-26(obj: projectile) => nonesource
projectile-method-27(obj: projectile) => nonesource
projectile-method-28(obj: projectile) => nonesource
projectile-blue: projectilesource
type: type
name: basic
mask: process-mask
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: basic
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: thread
entity: entity-actor
state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
next-state: state
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
root: trsqv
node-list: cspace-array
draw: draw-control
skel: joint-control
nav: nav-control
align: align-control
path: path-control
vol: vol-control
fact: fact-info
link: actor-link-info
part: sparticle-launch-control
water: water-control
sound: ambient-sound
state-flags: state-flags
state-time: time-frame
root-override: collide-shape-moving
base-trans: vector
target: vector
target-base: vector
parent-base: vector
parent-quat: vector
base-vector: vector
timeout: time-frame
options: uint64
last-target: handle
notify-handle: handle
max-speed: float
max-turn: float
old-dist: float
old-dist-count: int32
hits: int32
max-hits: int32
tween: float
attack-mode: symbol
update-velocity: function
counter: int32
target-count: int32
sound-id: sound-id
mode: int32
joint-num: int32
projectile-yellow: projectilesource
type: type
name: basic
mask: process-mask
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: basic
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: thread
entity: entity-actor
state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
next-state: state
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
root: trsqv
node-list: cspace-array
draw: draw-control
skel: joint-control
nav: nav-control
align: align-control
path: path-control
vol: vol-control
fact: fact-info
link: actor-link-info
part: sparticle-launch-control
water: water-control
sound: ambient-sound
state-flags: state-flags
state-time: time-frame
root-override: collide-shape-moving
base-trans: vector
target: vector
target-base: vector
parent-base: vector
parent-quat: vector
base-vector: vector
timeout: time-frame
options: uint64
last-target: handle
notify-handle: handle
max-speed: float
max-turn: float
old-dist: float
old-dist-count: int32
hits: int32
max-hits: int32
tween: float
attack-mode: symbol
update-velocity: function
counter: int32
target-count: int32
sound-id: sound-id
mode: int32
angle: float
search-info: structuresource
find-nearest-attackable(arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: uint, arg3: uint, arg4: vector, arg5: float) => projectilesource
projectile-collision-reaction(arg0: collide-shape-moving, arg1: collide-shape-intersect, arg2: vector, arg3: vector) => cshape-moving-flagssource
projectile-init-by-other(arg0: entity-actor, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: uint, arg4: handle) => nonesource
projectile-update-velocity-space-wars(arg0: projectile) => nonesource
spawn-projectile-blue(arg0: target) => nonesource
scf-time: structuresource
setting-control: basicsource
type: type
current: setting-data
target: setting-data
default: setting-data
engine: engine
add-setting(obj: setting-control, arg0: process, arg1: symbol, arg2: object, arg3: object, arg4: object) => nonesource
add a setting for the process.
set-setting(obj: setting-control, arg0: process, arg1: symbol, arg2: object, arg3: object, arg4: object) => nonesource
(re-)sets a setting for the process.
remove-setting(obj: setting-control, arg0: process, arg1: symbol) => nonesource
remove a setting from the specified process.
if arg1 = #t then remove ALL settings for that process
apply-settings(obj: setting-control) => setting-datasource
Update the current settings. This only updates settings that are 'safe' to do multiple times per frame.
update(obj: setting-control) => setting-datasource
Do a per-frame update of all settings
setting-data: structuresource
border-mode: symbol
sfx-volume: float
music-volume: float
dialog-volume: float
process-mask: process-mask
common-page: int32
language: language-enum
screenx: int32
screeny: int32
vibration: symbol
play-hints: symbol
movie: pointer
talking: pointer
spooling: pointer
hint: pointer
ambient: pointer
video-mode: symbol
aspect-ratio: symbol
sound-flava: uint8
auto-save: symbol
music-volume-movie: float
sfx-volume-movie: float
music: symbol
bg-r: float
bg-g: float
bg-b: float
bg-a: float
bg-a-speed: float
bg-a-force: float
allow-progress: symbol
allow-pause: symbol
sound-flava-priority: float
ocean-off: symbol
allow-look-around: symbol
ambient-volume: float
ambient-volume-movie: float
dialog-volume-hint: float
dummy: uint32
update-from-engine(obj: setting-data, arg0: engine) => setting-datasource
this goes through the list of desired setting changes in
the engine/connection list and updates the setting-data