collide-cache: basicsource
type: type
num-tris: int32
num-prims: int32
num-prims-u: uint32
ignore-mask: pat-surface
proc: process-drawable
collide-box: bounding-box
collide-box4w: bounding-box4w
collide-with: collide-kind
prims: collide-cache-prim
tris: collide-cache-tri
debug-draw(obj: collide-cache) => nonesource
Debug draw all the things in the collide cache!
fill-and-probe-using-line-sphere(obj: collide-cache, arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: float, arg3: collide-kind, arg4: process, arg5: collide-tri-result, arg6: pat-surface) => floatsource
fill-and-probe-using-spheres(obj: collide-cache, arg0: collide-using-spheres-params) => symbolsource
fill-and-probe-using-y-probe(obj: collide-cache, arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: collide-kind, arg3: process-drawable, arg4: collide-tri-result, arg5: pat-surface) => floatsource
fill-using-bounding-box(obj: collide-cache, arg0: bounding-box, arg1: collide-kind, arg2: process-drawable, arg3: pat-surface) => nonesource
fill-using-line-sphere(obj: collide-cache, arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: float, arg3: collide-kind, arg4: process-drawable, arg5: pat-surface) => nonesource
fill-using-spheres(obj: collide-cache, arg0: collide-using-spheres-params) => nonesource
fill-using-y-probe(obj: collide-cache, arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: collide-kind, arg3: process-drawable, arg4: pat-surface) => nonesource
initialize(obj: collide-cache) => nonesource
Clear the collide-cache.
probe-using-line-sphere(obj: collide-cache, arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: float, arg3: collide-kind, arg4: collide-tri-result, arg5: pat-surface) => floatsource
probe-using-spheres(obj: collide-cache, arg0: collide-using-spheres-params) => symbolsource
probe-using-y-probe(obj: collide-cache, arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: collide-kind, arg3: collide-tri-result, arg4: pat-surface) => floatsource
fill-from-background(obj: collide-cache, bsp-find-mesh-func: function, import-mesh-func: function) => nonesource
This terrible function fills the collide cache with background tris from a bounding box.
fill-from-foreground-using-box(obj: collide-cache) => nonesource
fill-from-foreground-using-line-sphere(obj: collide-cache) => nonesource
fill-from-foreground-using-y-probe(obj: collide-cache) => nonesource
fill-from-water(obj: collide-cache, arg0: water-control) => nonesource
load-mesh-from-spad-in-box: unknown
collide-cache-method-27: unknown
collide-cache-method-28: unknown
collide-cache-method-29: unknown
puyp-mesh: unknown
puyp-sphere(obj: collide-cache, arg0: collide-puyp-work, arg1: collide-cache-prim) => vectorsource
unpack-background-collide-mesh: unknown
collide-cache-prim: structuresource
prim-core: collide-prim-core
extra-quad: uint128
ccache: collide-cache
prim: collide-shape-prim
first-tri: uint16
num-tris: uint16
unused: uint8
world-sphere: vector
collide-as: collide-kind
action: collide-action
offense: collide-offense
prim-type: int8
resolve-moving-sphere-tri: unknown
resolve-moving-sphere-sphere: unknown
collide-cache-tri: structuresource
vertex: vector
extra-quad: uint128
pat: pat-surface
prim-index: uint16
user16: uint16
user32: uint32
collide-list: structuresource
collide-list-item: structuresource
collide-puss-sphere: structuresource
collide-puss-work: structuresource
closest-pt: vector
tri-normal: vector
tri-bbox4w: bounding-box4w
spheres-bbox4w: bounding-box4w
spheres: collide-puss-sphere
collide-puss-work-method-9: unknown
collide-puss-work-method-10: unknown
collide-puyp-work: structuresource
best-u: float
ignore-pat: pat-surface
tri-out: collide-tri-result
start-pos: vector
move-dist: vector
collide-using-spheres-params: structuresource
spheres: inline-array
num-spheres: uint32
collide-with: collide-kind
proc: process-drawable
ignore-pat: pat-surface
solid-only: basic
collide-work: structuresource
collide-puls-work: structuresource
pc-fffuls-work: structuresource
collide-cache-using-box-test(arg0: vector) => symbolsource
collide-cache-using-line-sphere-test(arg0: vector) => symbolsource
Check if the input sphere is in the rotated bounding box volume of the current
line-sphere query.
collide-cache-using-y-probe-test(arg0: vector) => symbolsource
make-collide-list-using-line-sphere-inst-test(arg0: collide-fragment, arg1: instance-tie) => symbolsource
Check if a collide-fragment at a given instance is in the rotated bounding box volume
of the current line-sphere query.
collide-edge-edge: structuresource
ignore: basic
etri: collide-edge-tri
vertex-ptr: inline-array
outward: vector
edge-vec-norm: vector
collide-edge-hold-item: structuresource
next: collide-edge-hold-item
rating: float
split: int8
edge: collide-edge-edge
center-pt: vector
outward-pt: vector
collide-edge-hold-list: structuresource
num-allocs: uint32
num-attempts: uint32
head: collide-edge-hold-item
items: collide-edge-hold-item
attempts: qword
debug-draw(obj: collide-edge-hold-list) => objectsource
add-to-list!: unknown
collide-edge-tri: structuresource
collide-edge-work: structuresource
ccache: collide-cache
cshape: collide-shape
num-verts: uint32
num-edges: uint32
num-tris: uint32
cache-fill-box: bounding-box
within-reach-box: bounding-box
within-reach-box4w: bounding-box4w
search-pt: vector
search-dir-vec: vector
max-dist-sqrd-to-outward-pt: float
max-dir-cosa-delta: float
split-dists: float
outward-offset: vector
local-cache-fill-box: bounding-box
local-within-reach-box: bounding-box
local-player-spheres: sphere
world-player-spheres: sphere
local-player-hanging-spheres: sphere
world-player-hanging-spheres: sphere
local-player-leap-up-spheres: sphere
world-player-leap-up-spheres: sphere
verts: vector
edges: collide-edge-edge
tris: collide-edge-tri
hold-list: collide-edge-hold-list
search-for-edges(obj: collide-edge-work, arg0: collide-edge-hold-list) => symbolsource
Iterate through edges, adding them to the collide-edge-hold-list, if they are good
debug-draw-edges(obj: collide-edge-work) => objectsource
debug-draw-tris(obj: collide-edge-work) => nonesource
debug-draw-sphere(obj: collide-edge-work) => symbolsource
compute-center-point!(obj: collide-edge-work, arg0: collide-edge-edge, arg1: vector) => floatsource
collide-edge-work-method-14(obj: collide-edge-work, arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: int) => floatsource
find-grabbable-edges!: unknown
find-grabbable-tris!: unknown
should-add-to-list?(obj: collide-edge-work, arg0: collide-edge-hold-item, arg1: collide-edge-edge) => symbolsource
find-best-grab!: unknown
check-grab-for-collisions(obj: collide-edge-work, arg0: collide-edge-hold-item, arg1: edge-grab-info) => symbolsource
edge-grab-info: structuresource
world-vertex: vector
local-vertex: vector
actor-cshape-prim-offset: int32
actor-handle: handle
hanging-matrix: matrix
edge-vertex: vector
center-hold: vector
tri-vertex: vector
left-hand-hold: vector
right-hand-hold: vector
center-hold-old: vector
edge-tri-pat: uint32
edge-grab-info-method-9(obj: edge-grab-info) => symbolsource
debug-draw(obj: edge-grab-info) => symbolsource
pbhp-stack-vars: structuresource
collide-frag-mesh: basicsource
collide-fragment: drawablesource
drawable-inline-array-collide-fragment: drawable-inline-arraysource
drawable-tree-collide-fragment: drawable-treesource
type: type
id: int16
bsphere: vector
length: int16
data: drawable
data-override: drawable-inline-array
moving-sphere-sphere-intersect(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector) => floatsource
pc-port-raw-ray-sphere-implementation(rad: float, vf1-val: vector, vf2-val: vector) => floatsource
This is one of the main primitives for collision.
Assumes a sphere of radius rad is at the origin.
- miss (return MISS)
- behind (return MISS)
- too far away (return MISS)
- inside (return 0)
raw-ray-sphere-intersect(arg0: float) => floatsource
DANGER: this function takes two arguments by vf registers.
As a result, it doesn't work properly in OpenGOAL. See the functions below.
ray-circle-intersect(ray-origin: vector, ray-dir: vector, circle-origin: vector, radius: float) => floatsource
Intersect ray with circle. Circle is on the y plane and this throws out the y components
of ray-origin, circle-origin, and ray-dir
ray-cylinder-intersect(ray-origin: vector, ray-dir: vector, cyl-origin: vector, cyl-axis: vector, cyl-rad: float, cyl-len: float, pt-out: vector) => floatsource
Intersect with a cylinder.
Currently this is untested.
ray-plane-intersect(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector, arg4: vector, arg5: vector, arg6: vector) => floatsource
ray-sphere-intersect(ray-origin: vector, ray-dir: vector, sph-origin: vector, radius: float) => floatsource
Intersect a ray and sphere. Will return 0 if you are in the sphere, -huge number if you don't hit it.
Returns the length of the ray to the first intersection.
COLLISION_MISS: unknownsource
*collide-test-flag*: symbolsource
collide-mesh: basicsource
type: type
joint-id: int32
num-tris: uint32
num-verts: uint32
vertex-data: inline-array
tris: collide-mesh-tri
debug-draw-tris(obj: collide-mesh, arg0: process-drawable, arg1: int) => nonesource
Draw a collide-mesh.
overlap-test(obj: collide-mesh, arg0: collide-mesh-cache-tri, arg1: vector) => symbolsource
should-push-away-test: unknown
sphere-on-platform-test: unknown
populate-cache!(obj: collide-mesh, arg0: collide-mesh-cache-tri, arg1: matrix) => nonesource
collide-mesh-math-1: unknown
collide-mesh-math-2: unknown
collide-mesh-cache: basicsource
type: type
used-size: uint32
max-size: uint32
id: uint64
data: uint8
allocate!(obj: collide-mesh-cache, arg0: int) => intsource
is-id?(obj: collide-mesh-cache, arg0: int) => symbolsource
Is this our id?
next-id!(obj: collide-mesh-cache) => uintsource
Reset all used entries in the cache and increment the id.
If the id is zero, set it to 1
collide-mesh-cache-tri: structuresource
collide-mesh-tri: structuresource
collide-tri-result: structuresource
sopt-work: structuresource
spat-work: structuresource
collide-probe-stack: structuresource
data: collide-probe-stack-elem
collide-probe-collide-fragment-tree-make-list(arg0: drawable-tree-collide-fragment, arg1: collide-list) => nonesource
Given a collide fragment tree, make a list.
Note: you must have more than 8 collide fragments, so you have more than 1 level in the tree.
collide-probe-instance-tie-tree-make-list(arg0: drawable-tree-instance-tie, arg1: collide-list) => intsource
Given a TIE instance tree, make a list.
Unlike tfrag, they explicitly support the < 8 node case
collide-probe-make-list(arg0: level, arg1: collide-list) => nonesource
Run the probe algorithm on an entire level.
collide-upload-vu0() => nonesource
Upload the probe program to VU0.
creates-new-method?(arg0: type, arg1: int) => symbolsource
Is the method with the given ID in the given type a new method for this type?
describe-methods(arg0: type) => symbolsource
Print information about the methods of a type.
interpolate(arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float) => floatsource
misty-ambush-height(arg0: vector) => floatsource
misty-ambush-height-probe(arg0: vector, arg1: float) => floatsource
Hack to manually compute the ground height in misty ambush.
overrides-parent-method?(arg0: type, arg1: int) => symbolsource
Does the method with the given ID in the given type override a method of its parent?
pke-collide-test() => nonesource
probe-traverse-collide-fragment(arg0: drawable-tree-collide-fragment, arg1: int) => nonesource
Print out all levels of a drawabl-tree-collide-fragment.
probe-traverse-draw-node(arg0: draw-node, arg1: int) => nonesource
Print out info for a draw node, and recursively its children. They forgot to finish this one.
probe-traverse-inline-array-node(arg0: drawable-inline-array-node, arg1: int) => nonesource
Print out a drawable-inline-array-node, and recursively all children
const collide-vu0-block: vu-functionsource
collide-overlap-result: structuresource
best-dist: float
best-from-prim: collide-shape-prim
best-to-prim: collide-shape-prim
best-from-tri: collide-tri-result
reset!(obj: collide-overlap-result) => nonesource
Reset the result.
collide-prim-core: structuresource
collide-shape: trsqvsource
type: type
trans: vector
rot: vector
scale: vector
quat: quaternion
pause-adjust-distance: meters
nav-radius: meters
transv: vector
rotv: vector
scalev: vector
dir-targ: quaternion
angle-change-time: time-frame
old-y-angle-diff: float
process: process-drawable
max-iteration-count: uint8
nav-flags: nav-flags
pad-byte: uint8
pat-ignore-mask: pat-surface
event-self: symbol
event-other: symbol
root-prim: collide-shape-prim
riders: collide-sticky-rider-group
backup-collide-as: collide-kind
backup-collide-with: collide-kind
move-by-vector!(obj: collide-shape, arg0: vector) => nonesource
Adjust our position by the given vector
alloc-riders(obj: collide-shape, arg0: int) => nonesource
move-to-point!(obj: collide-shape, arg0: vector) => nonesource
Move us to exactly the given position.
debug-draw(obj: collide-shape) => nonesource
Draw a collide shape
fill-cache-for-shape!(obj: collide-shape, arg0: float, arg1: collide-kind) => nonesource
Fill cache for a box.
fill-cache-integrate-and-collide!(obj: collide-shape, arg0: vector, arg1: collide-kind) => nonesource
Fill the collide cache for the object, integrate, and handle collisions!
find-prim-by-id(obj: collide-shape, arg0: uint) => collide-shape-primsource
Find a prim in this shape with the given id.
detect-riders!(obj: collide-shape) => symbolsource
See who is riding us.
build-bounding-box-for-shape(obj: collide-shape, arg0: bounding-box, arg1: float, arg2: collide-kind) => symbolsource
Build a bounding box containing the whole shape.
If the box is empty, returns #f.
integrate-and-collide!(obj: collide-shape, arg0: vector) => nonesource
For a non-moving collide shape, we just move ourself. We have no reaction to anything we hit.
find-collision-meshes(obj: collide-shape) => symbolsource
on-platform(obj: collide-shape, arg0: collide-shape, arg1: collide-overlap-result) => symbolsource
Are we on the platform? Returns #t/#f and also sets an overlap result.
find-overlapping-shapes(obj: collide-shape, arg0: overlaps-others-params) => symbolsource
calc-shove-up(obj: collide-shape, arg0: attack-info, arg1: float) => vectorsource
should-push-away(obj: collide-shape, arg0: collide-shape, arg1: collide-overlap-result) => symbolsource
Find the overlap between two collide shapes. This is the main entry point for the overlap algorithm.
The result is returned in arg1. The obj is collided with arg0 (meaning obj uses its collide-with, arg0 uses colide-as).
The best-dist is only valid if the result is #t (it should be negative then)
pull-rider!(obj: collide-shape, arg0: pull-rider-info) => nonesource
Move a rider.
pull-riders!(obj: collide-shape) => symbolsource
Move our riders.
do-push-aways!(obj: collide-shape) => symbolsource
This is the main function to call to respond
set-root-prim!(obj: collide-shape, arg0: collide-shape-prim) => collide-shape-primsource
update-transforms!(obj: collide-shape) => symbolsource
Update all transforms for this shape. After this is called, you can use the
clear-collide-with-as(obj: collide-shape) => nonesource
restore-collide-with-as(obj: collide-shape) => nonesource
backup-collide-with-as(obj: collide-shape) => nonesource
set-root-prim-collide-with!(obj: collide-shape, arg0: collide-kind) => nonesource
set-root-prim-collide-as!(obj: collide-shape, arg0: collide-kind) => nonesource
set-collide-kinds(obj: collide-shape, arg0: int, arg1: collide-kind, arg2: collide-kind) => nonesource
set-collide-offense(obj: collide-shape, arg0: int, arg1: collide-offense) => nonesource
send-shove-back(obj: collide-shape, arg0: process, arg1: touching-shapes-entry, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float) => nonesource
collide-shape-intersect: basicsource
type: type
move-vec: vector
best-u: float
best-tri: collide-tri-result
best-from-prim: collide-shape-prim
best-to-prim: collide-shape-prim
init!(obj: collide-shape-intersect, arg0: vector) => symbolsource
Initialize the intersection in the given direction.
collide-shape-moving: collide-shapesource
type: type
trans: vector
rot: vector
scale: vector
quat: quaternion
pause-adjust-distance: meters
nav-radius: meters
transv: vector
rotv: vector
scalev: vector
dir-targ: quaternion
angle-change-time: time-frame
old-y-angle-diff: float
process: process-drawable
max-iteration-count: uint8
nav-flags: nav-flags
pad-byte: uint8
pat-ignore-mask: pat-surface
event-self: symbol
event-other: symbol
root-prim: collide-shape-prim
riders: collide-sticky-rider-group
backup-collide-as: collide-kind
backup-collide-with: collide-kind
rider-time: time-frame
rider-last-move: vector
trans-old: vector
poly-pat: pat-surface
cur-pat: pat-surface
ground-pat: pat-surface
status: cshape-moving-flags
old-status: cshape-moving-flags
prev-status: cshape-moving-flags
reaction-flag: cshape-reaction-flags
reaction: function
no-reaction: function
local-normal: vector
surface-normal: vector
poly-normal: vector
ground-poly-normal: vector
ground-touch-point: vector
shadow-pos: vector
ground-impact-vel: meters
surface-angle: float
poly-angle: float
touch-angle: float
coverage: float
dynam: dynamics
surf: surface
set-and-handle-pat!(obj: collide-shape-moving, arg0: pat-surface) => nonesource
Handle landing on the given pat-surface. This is likely target-specific.
integrate-no-collide!(obj: collide-shape-moving, arg0: vector) => nonesource
Integrate, but ignore all collisions.
Will set both trans and shadow-pos
collide-shape-moving-method-58(obj: collide-shape-moving, arg0: vector) => symbolsource
integrate-for-enemy-with-move-to-ground!(obj: collide-shape-moving, arg0: vector, arg1: collide-kind, arg2: float, arg3: symbol, arg4: symbol, arg5: symbol) => nonesource
This is likely the main method for stepping an enemy.
arg0: velocity
arg1: ground collision
arg2: ground height probe start
arg3: revert move if blocked
arg4: hover if ran off the ground
arg5: use misty hack
move-to-ground(obj: collide-shape-moving, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: symbol, arg3: collide-kind) => symbolsource
Move to the ground now.
move-to-ground-point!(obj: collide-shape-moving, arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => nonesource
Move the collide shape to the ground immediately:
arg0: ground point
arg1: velocity (will be modified)
arg2: ground normal.
Even if the ground is sloped, transv.y is set to 0.
compute-acc-due-to-gravity(obj: collide-shape-moving, arg0: vector, arg1: float) => vectorsource
Compute the acceleration due to gravity.
step-collison!(obj: collide-shape-moving, arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: float) => floatsource
Take 1 step in the collision. Attempt to move at velocity of arg1, for arg2 of a step.
The resulting velocity is stored in arg0. The amount of a step actually taken is returned.
move-to-tri!(obj: collide-shape-moving, arg0: collide-tri-result, arg1: vector) => nonesource
Move us to tri arg0, at point arg1.
collide-shape-prim: basicsource
type: type
cshape: collide-shape
prim-id: uint32
transform-index: int8
prim-core: collide-prim-core
local-sphere: vector
collide-with: collide-kind
world-sphere: vector
collide-as: collide-kind
action: collide-action
offense: collide-offense
prim-type: int8
radius: meters
move-by-vector!(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: vector) => nonesource
Adjust our position by the given vector
find-prim-by-id(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: uint) => collide-shape-primsource
Find a prim in this shape or its children with the given id.
debug-draw-world-sphere(obj: collide-shape-prim) => symbolsource
Draw our sphere
add-fg-prim-using-box(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-cache) => nonesource
add-fg-prim-using-line-sphere(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-cache) => nonesource
add-fg-prim-using-y-probe(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-cache) => nonesource
overlaps-others-test(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: overlaps-others-params, arg1: collide-shape-prim) => symbolsource
overlaps-others-group(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: overlaps-others-params, arg1: collide-shape-prim-group) => symbolsource
Overlap, from group.
unused-17: unknown
collide-with-collide-cache-prim-mesh(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-shape-intersect, arg1: collide-cache-prim) => nonesource
abstract base class version.
collide-with-collide-cache-prim-sphere(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-shape-intersect, arg1: collide-cache-prim) => nonesource
add-to-bounding-box(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-kind) => symbolsource
Add a single prim to the bounding box. (just adds the bsphere)
num-mesh(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-shape-prim) => intsource
on-platform-test(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-shape-prim, arg1: collide-overlap-result, arg2: float) => nonesource
should-push-away-test(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-shape-prim, arg1: collide-overlap-result) => nonesource
Should be impossible to call - collide-shape-prim is abstract.
should-push-away-reverse-test(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-shape-prim-group, arg1: collide-overlap-result) => nonesource
This is a flipped version of should-push-away-test.
the group uses their collide-as
update-transforms!(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: process-drawable) => symbolsource
Update our world sphere, and our children's world sphere's too.
set-collide-as!(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-kind) => nonesource
set-collide-with!(obj: collide-shape-prim, arg0: collide-kind) => nonesource
collide-shape-prim-group: collide-shape-primsource
type: type
cshape: collide-shape
prim-id: uint32
transform-index: int8
prim-core: collide-prim-core
local-sphere: vector
collide-with: collide-kind
world-sphere: vector
collide-as: collide-kind
action: collide-action
offense: collide-offense
prim-type: int8
radius: meters
num-prims: int32
num-prims-u: uint32
allocated-prims: int32
prim: collide-shape-prim
prims: collide-shape-prim
append-prim(obj: collide-shape-prim-group, arg0: collide-shape-prim) => nonesource
add-to-non-empty-bounding-box(obj: collide-shape-prim-group, arg0: collide-kind) => nonesource
collide-shape-prim-mesh: collide-shape-primsource
type: type
cshape: collide-shape
prim-id: uint32
transform-index: int8
prim-core: collide-prim-core
local-sphere: vector
collide-with: collide-kind
world-sphere: vector
collide-as: collide-kind
action: collide-action
offense: collide-offense
prim-type: int8
radius: meters
mesh: collide-mesh
mesh-id: int32
mesh-cache-id: uint64
mesh-cache-tris: inline-array
change-mesh(obj: collide-shape-prim-mesh, arg0: int) => nonesource
Change our mesh to the given mesh ID.
collide-shape-prim-sphere: collide-shape-primsource
type: type
cshape: collide-shape
prim-id: uint32
transform-index: int8
prim-core: collide-prim-core
local-sphere: vector
collide-with: collide-kind
world-sphere: vector
collide-as: collide-kind
action: collide-action
offense: collide-offense
prim-type: int8
radius: meters
pat: pat-surface
collide-sticky-rider: structuresource
rider-handle: handle
sticky-prim: collide-shape-prim
prim-ry: float
rider-local-pos: vector
set-rider!(obj: collide-sticky-rider, arg0: handle) => symbolsource
Set the rider and clear the primitive.
collide-sticky-rider-group: basicsource
type: type
num-riders: int32
allocated-riders: int32
rider: collide-sticky-rider
add-rider!(obj: collide-sticky-rider-group, arg0: process-drawable) => collide-sticky-ridersource
Add a rider to this platform.
reset!(obj: collide-sticky-rider-group) => intsource
Reset all active riders
overlaps-others-params: structuresource
pull-rider-info: structuresource
rider: collide-sticky-rider
rider-cshape: collide-shape-moving
rider-delta-ry: float
rider-dest: vector
collide-shape-draw-debug-marks() => nonesource
debug-report-col-stats() => intsource
default-collision-reaction(arg0: collide-shape-moving, arg1: collide-shape-intersect, arg2: vector, arg3: vector) => cshape-moving-flagssource
Move into collision!
find-ground-point(target-ctrl: control-info, ground-result: vector, start-len: float, max-len: float) => vectorsource
Find somewhere safe to land. This is used to find where to bounce back the player if you jump on fire canyon.
It's a nice example function for the collision system.
simple-collision-reaction(arg0: collide-shape-moving, arg1: collide-shape-intersect, arg2: vector, arg3: vector) => cshape-moving-flagssource
A much simpler collide reaction.
target-attack-up(arg0: target, arg1: symbol, arg2: symbol) => nonesource
Handle an attack up. This launches the player in the air, forcing them back to a safe location.
*col-timer-enable*: symbolsource
collide-history: structuresource
intersect: vector
trans: vector
transv: vector
transv-out: vector
local-normal: vector
surface-normal: vector
time: time-frame
status: cshape-moving-flags
pat: pat-surface
reaction-flag: cshape-reaction-flags
update!(obj: collide-history, cshape: collide-shape-moving, xs: vector, transv: vector, transv-out: vector) => _type_source
Update the collide-history element.
control-info: collide-shape-movingsource
type: type
trans: vector
rot: vector
scale: vector
quat: quaternion
pause-adjust-distance: meters
nav-radius: meters
transv: vector
rotv: vector
scalev: vector
dir-targ: quaternion
angle-change-time: time-frame
old-y-angle-diff: float
process: process-drawable
max-iteration-count: uint8
nav-flags: nav-flags
pad-byte: uint8
pat-ignore-mask: pat-surface
event-self: symbol
event-other: symbol
root-prim: collide-shape-prim
riders: collide-sticky-rider-group
backup-collide-as: collide-kind
backup-collide-with: collide-kind
rider-time: time-frame
rider-last-move: vector
trans-old: vector
poly-pat: pat-surface
cur-pat: pat-surface
ground-pat: pat-surface
status: cshape-moving-flags
old-status: cshape-moving-flags
prev-status: cshape-moving-flags
reaction-flag: cshape-reaction-flags
reaction: function
no-reaction: function
local-normal: vector
surface-normal: vector
poly-normal: vector
ground-poly-normal: vector
ground-touch-point: vector
shadow-pos: vector
ground-impact-vel: meters
surface-angle: float
poly-angle: float
touch-angle: float
coverage: float
dynam: dynamics
surf: surface
unknown-vector00: vector
unknown-vector01: vector
unknown-vector02: vector
unknown-quaternion00: quaternion
unknown-quaternion01: quaternion
unknown-float00: float
unknown-float01: float
unknown-float02: float
unknown-vector10: vector
unknown-vector11: vector
unknown-vector12: vector
unknown-vector13: vector
unknown-vector14: vector
unknown-vector15: vector
unknown-vector16: vector
unknown-dynamics00: dynamics
unknown-surface00: surface
unknown-surface01: surface
unknown-cpad-info00: cpad-info
unknown-float10: float
unknown-float11: float
unknown-float12: float
unknown-float13: float
unknown-vector20: vector
unknown-vector21: vector
unknown-vector22: vector
unknown-vector23: vector
unknown-vector-array00: vector
unknown-vector30: vector
unknown-vector31: vector
unknown-float20: float
unknown-float21: float
unknown-dword00: uint64
unknown-matrix00: matrix
unknown-matrix01: matrix
unknown-matrix02: matrix
unknown-qword00: uint128
unknown-float30: float
unknown-vector40: vector
unknown-float40: float
unknown-float41: float
unknown-int00: int32
unknown-float50: float
unknown-vector50: vector
unknown-vector51: vector
unknown-vector52: vector
unknown-vector53: vector
last-known-safe-ground: vector
unknown-vector55: vector
unknown-dword10: time-frame
unknown-dword11: time-frame
unknown-float60: float
unknown-float61: float
unknown-float62: float
unknown-float63: float
unknown-float64: float
unknown-dword20: time-frame
unknown-dword21: time-frame
unknown-dword-coverage: int64
unknown-float-coverage-0: float
unknown-float-coverage-1: float
unknown-float-coverage-2: float
unknown-u32-coverage-0: uint32
unknown-vector-coverage-0: vector
unknown-vector-coverage-1: vector
unknown-vector-coverage-2: vector
unknown-vector-coverage-3: vector
unknown-vector60: vector
unknown-vector61: vector
unknown-float70: float
unknown-float71: float
unknown-vector70: vector
unknown-vector71: vector
unknown-vector72: vector
unknown-vector73: vector
unknown-handle00: handle
unknown-sphere-array00: collide-shape-prim-sphere
unknown-sphere00: collide-shape-prim-sphere
unknown-sphere01: collide-shape-prim-sphere
unknown-sphere02: collide-shape-prim-sphere
unknown-int50: int32
unknown-dword30: time-frame
unknown-dword31: time-frame
unknown-dword32: time-frame
unknown-dword33: time-frame
unknown-dword34: time-frame
unknown-dword35: time-frame
unknown-dword36: time-frame
unknown-float80: float
unknown-float81: float
unknown-float82: float
unknown-vector80: vector
unknown-cspace00: cspace
unknown-vector90: vector
unknown-vector91: vector
unknown-vector92: vector
unknown-cspace10: cspace
unknown-symbol00: symbol
unknown-float90: float
unknown-float91: float
unknown-vector-array10: vector
unknown-float100: float
unknown-int10: int32
unknown-float110: float
unknown-vector100: vector
unknown-vector101: vector
unknown-dword40: time-frame
unknown-dword41: time-frame
unknown-handle10: handle
unknown-uint20: uint32
unknown-spoolanim00: spool-anim
unknown-int20: int32
unknown-symbol20: symbol
unknown-float120: float
unknown-int21: int32
unknown-uint30: uint32
unknown-float121: float
unknown-uint31: uint32
unknown-int37: int32
unknown-float122: float
unknown-float123: float
unknown-float124: float
unknown-vector102: vector
unknown-vector103: vector
unknown-quaternion02: quaternion
unknown-quaternion03: quaternion
unknown-smush00: smush-control
unknown-vector110: vector
unknown-vector111: vector
unknown-symbol30: symbol
unknown-int31: uint32
unknown-dword50: int64
unknown-dword51: int64
unknown-pointer00: pointer
unknown-symbol40: symbol
unknown-dword60: int64
unknown-dword61: int64
unknown-dword62: int64
unknown-dword63: int64
unknown-halfword00: int16
history-length: int16
history-data: collide-history
unknown-float140: float
unknown-dword70: time-frame
unknown-int40: int32
unknown-dword80: time-frame
unknown-dword81: time-frame
unknown-float130: float
unknown-float131: float
unknown-dword82: time-frame
unknown-vector120: vector
unknown-float150: float
unknown-vector121: vector
wall-pat: pat-surface
unknown-soundid00: sound-id
unknown-float141: float
unknown-soundid01: sound-id
unknown-int34: int32
unknown-int35: int32
unknown-int36: int32
touching-list: structuresource
num-touching-shapes: int32
resolve-u: int8
touching-shapes: touching-shapes-entry
add-touching-prims(obj: touching-list, arg0: collide-shape-prim, arg1: collide-shape-prim, arg2: float, arg3: collide-tri-result, arg4: collide-tri-result) => nonesource
Tell the touching list that if we end taking a step of at least arg2, the prims arg0/arg1 will collide.
However, you don't have to know for sure if you're going to take this big of a step yet.
You can provide triangles if you want, but you don't have to.
The logic for calling this twice for the same prims in between calls to update-from-step-size is a little weird
so I suspect this never happens (and it's probably cheaper to avoid this duplication in the actual prim collision code).
touching-list-method-10: unknown
update-from-step-size(obj: touching-list, arg0: float) => nonesource
Given that we actually will take a step size of arg0, remove things we won't actually hit.
send-events-for-touching-shapes(obj: touching-list) => nonesource
Send all events for touching shapes.
Note that the order of event sending is basically random.
(this could explain lava walks's unreliable behavior)
get-shapes-entry(obj: touching-list, arg0: collide-shape, arg1: collide-shape) => touching-shapes-entrysource
Get a touching-shapes-entry for the two shapes. If one exists, it will be returned. Otherwise a new one will be made.
free-all-prim-nodes(obj: touching-list) => nonesource
Free all prim nodes used by all touching shapes in this touching-list.
touching-prim: structuresource
touching-prims-entry: structuresource
next: touching-prims-entry
prev: touching-prims-entry
allocated?: symbol
u: float
prim1: touching-prim
prim2: touching-prim
get-touched-prim(obj: touching-prims-entry, arg0: trsqv, arg1: touching-shapes-entry) => collide-shape-primsource
Get the primitive belonging to the collide shape that is touching.
touching-prims-entry-method-10: unknown
get-middle-of-bsphere-overlap(obj: touching-prims-entry, arg0: vector) => vectorsource
This is a bit weird...
But assuming the the bounding spheres overlap, draw a line between their centers, consider the line segment
that is inside of both spheres, and get the midpoint of that.
get-touched-tri(obj: touching-prims-entry, arg0: collide-shape, arg1: touching-shapes-entry) => collide-tri-resultsource
Get the triangle belonging to the the collide shape that is touching (if it has one, otherwise #f)
touching-prims-entry-pool: structuresource
head: touching-prims-entry
nodes: touching-prims-entry
alloc-node(obj: touching-prims-entry-pool) => touching-prims-entrysource
Allocate a node. Will return #f if there are none left.
get-free-node-count(obj: touching-prims-entry-pool) => intsource
Get the number of nodes that are not in use.
init-list!(obj: touching-prims-entry-pool) => nonesource
Initialize all entries to be not allocated and in a linked list.
free-node(obj: touching-prims-entry-pool, arg0: touching-prims-entry) => touching-prims-entrysource
Free a node allocated with alloc-node
touching-shapes-entry: structuresource
cshape1: collide-shape
cshape2: collide-shape
resolve-u: int8
head: touching-prims-entry
touching-shapes-entry-method-9: unknown
get-touched-shape(obj: touching-shapes-entry, arg0: collide-shape) => collide-shapesource
Get the other shape in a pair of shapes.
touching-shapes-entry-method-11: unknown
prims-touching?(obj: touching-shapes-entry, arg0: collide-shape-moving, arg1: uint) => touching-prims-entrysource
In a pair of collide shapes, is a prim from the given collide shape with the given prim-id mask touching the other shape?
prims-touching-action?(obj: touching-shapes-entry, arg0: collide-shape, arg1: collide-action, arg2: collide-action) => touching-prims-entrysource
In a pair of collide shapes, find a pair of colliding prims where the prim from the given collide shape has at least one of the actions in arg1
and none of the actions in arg2.
touching-shapes-entry-method-14: unknown
free-touching-prims-list(obj: touching-shapes-entry) => symbolsource
Return all nodes used by this touching-shapes-entry to the touching-prims-entry-pool
get-head(obj: touching-shapes-entry) => touching-prims-entrysource
Get the first pair of touching prims in a touching-shapes-entry
get-next(obj: touching-shapes-entry, arg0: touching-prims-entry) => touching-prims-entrysource
Get the next pair of touching prims.
add-prims-touching-work: structuresource
*collide-vif0-init*: arraysource
drawable-sphere-box-intersect?(arg0: drawable, arg1: bounding-box4w) => symbolsource
instance-sphere-box-intersect?(arg0: drawable, arg1: instance-tie, arg2: bounding-box4w) => symbolsource
instance-tfragment-add-debug-sphere(arg0: drawable, arg1: instance-tie) => symbolsource
pat-surface: uint32source
pat-event->string(pat: pat-surface) => stringsource
pat-material->string(pat: pat-surface) => stringsource
pat-mode->string(pat: pat-surface) => stringsource
*pat-mode-info*: inline-arraysource
surface: basicsource
type: type
name: symbol
turnv: float
turnvv: float
tiltv: float
tiltvv: float
transv-max: float
target-speed: float
seek0: float
seek90: float
seek180: float
fric: float
nonlin-fric-dist: float
slip-factor: float
slide-factor: float
slope-up-factor: float
slope-down-factor: float
slope-slip-angle: float
impact-fric: float
bend-factor: float
bend-speed: float
alignv: float
slope-up-traction: float
align-speed: float
active-hook: function
touch-hook: function
impact-hook: function
mult-hook: function
mode: symbol
flags: surface-flags
data: float
hook: function
dataw: uint32
calc-terminal-vel(arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float) => floatsource
calc-terminal2-vel(arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
calc-terminal4-vel(arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float) => floatsource
surface-clamp-speed(arg0: surface, arg1: surface, arg2: surface, arg3: int) => nonesource
When arg3 is 1, clamp speed of arg0 to the mins of arg0/arg1
surface-interp!(dst: surface, src0: surface, src1: surface, amount: float) => surfacesource
Create a surface between src0 and src1. For things like hooks/mode, src1 wins.
surface-mult!(dst: surface, src0: surface, src1: surface) => surfacesource
Multiply src0 by src1, and store the result in dst.